Turn your cafe's loyal patrons into paying members

What would $500 a month in pure profit do for your business today? What if it also came with a compounding growth in your foot traffic and regular patronage?

Works if you run a cafe • bookstore • bar • restaurant • or more!

Roll out membership the easy way

Building a membership can be straightforward. With this program, you’ll learn the easiest way to get started fast. In this free program, we’ll cover:

👍 Proven models for paid membership

  1. What you can offer
  2. What you can charge
  3. Proven case studies

💌 How to build social capital

  1. Share your story
  2. Articulate a resonant motivation
  3. Build in public
  4. Involve your patrons in your journey

🏗️ How to set up your membership program

  1. What platform you can use
  2. What value you can provide
  3. What you can charge
  4. How you can grow over time

🚀 How to prepare for launch

  1. Announcement template
  2. Flyer template
  3. Campaign outline

We’ll have your membership up and running before you know it.

Common Questions

👉 I’m super busy. Will it be worth it?

Then you need this the most.

Your business model needs to generate enough revenue for you to have some room to breathe. Investing just a little effort in this up front can save you time as you recruit more folks to help you.

👉 I run a cafe / bookstore / bar / restaurant / coworking space. Is this for me?

Yes! If you’re building a local business that people love, this is for you.

👉 What will this cost me?

Nothing at all! This mini course is totally free, and I’ll only be recommending tools you can use for free as well. The only cost will be the transaction fee involved when members pay you.

👉 What’s in it for you?

I’ll be running a cohort for people who want my personal guidance as well as the support of peers as we step through the program together.

If you get so much value out of this free program that you can’t help but want to go further, this will be how we can do that together.

Otherwise, please enjoy this program free of obligation—I want to see you succeed no matter what!

Hi, I’m Tony.

I’ve helped thousands of people build thriving membership-based community spaces all around the world.

As someone who led the charge to open Manhattan’s first and most beloved coworking space, New Work City, I got to see firsthand what it’s like to build a space people feel emotionally invested in helping to build, run, and grow.

I’ve also learned just how hard it can be if you try to go it alone. That’s why I want to make sure you have all the tools you need to capture the positive energy you’ve built up among your supporters.

In a world that is suffering from an epidemic of isolation, every neighborhood needs gathering places that are truly special.

I want to see you thrive—so your neighbors can find connection and community, and weave your city’s social fabric.

Get started now

The free course will give you what you need to start recruiting the support that’s going to make all the difference.

So don’t wait—get started now, and let’s get some of those new dollars rolling in.

The day I started working with Tony I was finally able to take a deep breath. For the first time in years I felt I truly had someone looking out for me and my business. It's refreshing to know I'm not alone.”
- Ashley Proctor, founder of Coworking Canada & Creative Blueprint