Take the Belongful Place Pledge

Did you ever wish there was a place you could go on a regular basis to hang out and be around friendly faces? 

In a world where remote work reigns and screen time is through the roof, the role of the third place—that is, not home, and not the office, but the other place we want to spend time in—is becoming all the more critical. 

We need places to go. We need excuses to leave the house. 

If you're running one of those spaces, you're already doing your part. Now, I'm inviting you to take a stand in solidarity. 

We can only cure the loneliness epidemic if more of us are aware that it's happening and if we know what we can do to address it. 

The crisis of disconnection is a solvable one—and the spaces we gather in play a crucial role in that. 

What you'll get

When you pledge to make your space a Belongful Place, you'll get: 

  • Printable flyers, stickers, and more
  • A digital copy of the State of Belonging report
  • Updates with resources and materials you can share
  • An invitation to contribute to our shared impact report
  • Listed on our upcoming directory site
  • Mentioned in our letters to local and national officials asking for their support
  • The opportunity to participate in a Belongful City Challenge

All totally free. 

If you'd like printed materials sent to you, we will make packages available. 

Sign the pledge, join the conversation

You know your gathering space is meant to be more than just a place for people to work or grab a cup of coffee—and thank goodness, because the world needs places like yours in it.

More people need to know why spaces like yours are so important. We're going to address that by taking a stand together.

By banding together to tell our collective story of the work we are doing to address this real, widespread, and urgent health crisis, we can help more people find the connection they need.

When you pledge to call your space a Belongful Place, you'll be joining our collective mission to help people find their people and beat the epidemic of disconnection. 

Email tony [at] belongfulness.com to learn more.