In 2023, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared a loneliness epidemic—it's a real crisis that has serious effects on our emotional and physical health.
Fortunately, we have the tools to address the crisis head on. The Belongfulness Project is here to provide resources that raise awareness, offer best practices, and train you and the people you care about to feel connected. No one ever taught us how to belong, until now.
Belonging isn't just about being social. Check out our free playbook to start your journey towards greater connection to yourself and the world around you.
62% of employees experience serious loneliness—and they underperform as a result. That means belongful employees overperform. Learn how to make belonging your team's secret weapon.
Cafes, coworking spaces, bars, bookstores, and more—if you run a space that hosts gatherings and brings people together, you play an indispensible role in re-weaving our social fabric.
Public officials are in an ideal position to raise awareness of the health implications of loneliness and to point people to the resources that will help them the most.
Historically, loneliness was not just about being alone; it signaled danger. In early modern Britain, straying too far from society meant surrendering the protections it provided. A lonely space was a place where you might encounter someone who could harm you, with no one else around to help.